CRP phase2 Country Collaboration

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What is and why site integration (country collaboration)?

The CGIAR Strategy and Results Framework states that:

  • We will develop Site Integration Plans to bring together the work of CGIAR Centers and programs in key countries, where CGIAR innovations are expected to reach millions of people.
  • To devise plans for assessing impact, the CRPs will consult with representatives of partners and beneficiary groups in key countries where they aim to deliver outcomes at scale, including governments, NGOs, farmer organizations, processors and others along the value chain, and, ultimately, consumers.
  • The CRPs will also coordinate with each other to ensure that, in key geographies, their activities are aligned for maximum impact. The CRPs’ collective, coordinated commitments in these geographies will be summarized in site integration plans to enable transparent interaction with local stakeholders. The consultation process will be pursued through the GCARD.

The site integration process in Ethiopia builds upon several other events such as the December 2014 EARS-CGIAR meeting and the Sustainable intensification & climate change workshop of January 2014.

Here are some important sources of information about this process:

Below, find additional blocks of information for what CRPs are doing and planning to do about site integration (these inputs were used to compile the site integration report).

1. Establishing a sustained mechanism for collaboration amongst CGIAR entities

CRP Current situation Future situation
A4NH A4NH has interacted with National institutions, CRPs and CG Centres in in discussions aimed at aligning A4NH research to national priorities and generating synergy among CG centres and CRPs for agriculture to nutrition and health linkages. See for example the Together for Nutrition website for a meeting held with Ethiopian partners in 2015. A4NH will rely on researchers in-country coordinated with ILRI (one of the managing partners of A4NH) and IFPRI’s Country Strategy Support Program (CSSP). A4NH researchers have strong links with Ethiopian institutions for developing joint research projects.

From this base, mechanisms still need to be developed on how to sustain collaboration, mobilise resources for joint research and manage the related workload more efficiently and effectively.

Joint research with other CRPs is planned and A4NH will promote related networking and mutual learning, through communities of practice hosted by A4NH flagships which involve other CRPs and CG Centres as relevant.

A4NH can function as a bridge to global and regional nutrition and health communities and bring valuable experiences to the wider CG system through its convening role.

The following are the potential CG partners in, all agri-food system CRPs working in Ethiopia, plus CCAFS (Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security), PIM (Policies, Institutions and Markets), and WLE (Water, Land and Ecosystems)
CCAFS CCAFS has been working in Ethiopia since 2011 at national and local level. Currently, the ILRI Livestock Systems and Environment group is leading a CCAFS project focussing on Participatory systems analysis and modelling of pastoralist land use dynamics in Yabello, Ethiopia. Also, a key focus in 2016 is synthesis of previous work in Borana with MARIL (Managing Risk for Improved Livelihoods) on i) Emerging livestock diseases in the face of climate change; ii) Seasonal rangeland vegetation assessment CCAFS expects to increase engagement in Ethiopia in Phase II linking with emerging opportunities, while also building on previous work. For example, ILRI will focus on Developing land use planning and tenure arrangements that enhance land management and reduce land degradation in pastoralist settings.
From Bioversity side we expect our work on durum wheat and barley will continue. This will not be in BOrana, though, but at the moment is mapped under CCAFS and it is taking place in Oromyia, Tigray and Amhara regions. This is about doing participatory research to find traits for adaptation to climate change
DCLAFS Ethiopian has been one of the focal regions for development and scaling-up of dryland crops and management interventions. Three major ongoing projects of ICRISAT and its partners includes the Tropical Legumes III (TL3), supported by BMGF, Ethiopia being one of the six target countries.
For instance, the economic surplus model estimated total benefits produced from high-yielding chickpea in Ethiopia to be $111 MM over 30 years, with 39% accruing to consumers, and 61% to producers
The HOPE-II project, which is a follow-up to HOPE-I, has taken off, Ethiopia being one of the 6 target countries.
There is an ongoing work in improving resilient systems through integrated watershed management, soil fertility management and water resource development operating in Amhara, Tigray, Oromia and Afar regions; supported by various small grant projects.
DCLAFS, led by ICRISAT, will be implemented in joint partnership with six Tier 1 (Bioversity, CIAT, ICARDA, ICRAF, IITA, ILRI) and one Tier 2 (IWMI) CGIAR partners, and several strategic non-CGIAR partners would capitalize on these investments and develop
DCLAFS priority crops, four cereal (barley, finger millet, pearl millet and sorghum) and eight grain legume (chickpea, common bean, faba bean, groundnut, lentil and soybean) crops, are major food and cash crops in Ethiopia. DCL considers Ethiopia as one of the 10 priority countries
Livestock CRP L&F has been working in Ethiopia since June 2012 in close collaboration with national research institutions, MoA (now Ministry of Livestock), District Offices and a number of development projects funded by the CRP and a closely aligned IFAd funded project that started in 2015. L&F collaborated with A4HN in Ethiopia on food safety in small ruminant meat value chains (SR VCs) through a BMZ funded project; and with CRPs Drylands and Humid Tropics on feeding and fattening systems through Africa Rising.
So far no mechanism for coordination of CRP activities has been in place; collaboration was mostly decided by the involved researchers.
CRP Livestock will be implemented in Ethiopia by ILRI, ICARDA and SLU (and possibly CIAT). Activities on SR VC transformation will be continued but the program will be expanded to include research on other commodities and production system and environmental aspects. Ethiopia is one of the main target countries; all flagships will implement activities in Ethiopia.
To facilitate coordination within CRP Livestock a country coordinator will coordinate the research activities of the different flagships in Ethiopia and represent the CRP for planning site integration with the other CRP under the leadership of ILRI.
WLE Two projects under WLE Nile Basin and East Africa (NBEA) flagship being implemented by IWMI and Bioversity International (BI). Their implementation has emphasized integration of science through the delivery of agreed upon shared work plan and the flagship TOC.

Five Projects under the Agricultural water and land projects and water cluster led by IWMI, ICARDA, ICRISAT and ILRI

Three projects under the cluster Land restoration and their impacts led by BI, ICARDA, ICRISAT, CIP

Four projects on: Water and energy for food (1) AND Agricultural water and land management (7 led by IFPRI, IITA, IWMI and ICRISAT

A project on Revitalizing irrigation systems led by IWMI

A project on ES assessment, exploring trade-offs and equitable planning of restoration interventions led by ICRISAT

A project on DAI: Water metrics and indicators for shaping policies and practices led by IWMI

Two project on Land allocation and sharing of benefits led by IFPRI, IWMI,
Since the WLE focal region flagship has not substantively featured in WLE Phase 2, it not possible to precisely talk about the future of these two projects. However, the areas of focus: land productivity restoration is still relevant in WLE Phase 2. Emerging lessons would be useful for site integration.

However, an active program of results specification will need to be initiated, targeting key outputs, priority research and development outcomes.

The other clusters belong to different flagships and their lessons and outcomes could be readily absorbed into WLE Phase 2 flagships
Forest, Trees and Agroforestry (FTA) ICRAF and CIFOR have been working on FTA activities together with Ethiopian partners at local, Regional state and national levels. ICRAF has been working on FTA projects on Trees for Food security in semi-arid areas of East Shewa, and sub-humid areas of West Shewa and East Welega, Oromia regional state of Ethiopia.
CIFOR has been working on the management of forests (high and dry forests), on smallholder forestry, on area exclosures in the four regions and on forest based enterprises in Addis.
Forests, Trees and
Agroforestry (FTA): Livelihoods, Landscapes and Governance fills a specific niche in the overall CGIAR portfolio as “the only CRP that works on all aspects of the value and benefits of trees and forests for agricultural landscapes and agricultural sustainability (environmental, social and economic)
FTA II is designed to focus on formal cross CRP collaboration (with CCAFS and WLE, as well as pilots with A4NH and PIM). FTA II also focuses on site integration. For examples, Ethiopia is one of the six countries where FTA II will work because of its importance for FT&A systems within the country, CGIAR’s long-term presence and links with major stakeholders.
FTA strongly supports the CGIAR country collaboration process, and is structured around five Flagships and four supporting platforms guided by a series of crosscutting themes:
Flagship leaders:
• FP1 Tree Genetic Resources: (ICRAF)
• FP2 Livelihood Systems (ICRAF)
• FP3 Value Chains: (CIFOR)
• FP4 Landscapes: (ICRAF)
• FP5 Climate Change: (CIFOR)
Supporting Platform:
• Gender, Youth: (ICRAF)
• Foresight-MEIA: (CIFOR)
• Capacity Development: (ICRAF)
• Data for Impact: (ICRAF)
Genebank Platform The ILRI genebank is physically located in Ethiopia and has forage seed production activities in several sites. Users may request forage seeds from ILRI for research on feeds and NRM. Seeds of major crops can be requested from other CGIAR genebanks
PIM Main contact will be the IFPRI Ethiopian Country Strategy Support Program (ESSP) Main contact will be the IFPRI Ethiopian Country Strategy Support Program (ESSP). They will be aware of all PIM activities in Ethiopia.

2. Carrying out ongoing dialogue and engagement with partners and stakeholders to understand and align with the national priorities and actions, i.e., demand for CGIAR research, and to establish and maintain partnerships

CRP Current situation Future situation
A4NH A4NH has participated in site integration planning through two meetings in Dec 2016 and one specifically convened by A4NH in Feb 2016. This meeting allowed for alignment of A4NH research to National priorities.

A4NH is currently working on mapping the nature of the Ethiopian national food system towards developing a food systems framework for Ethiopia. This is being done in collaboration with Bioversity, ILRI, and several national agriculture and nutrition stakeholders stemming out of the Food Systems for Healthier Diets flagship meeting held in Feb 2016.

Links are being established with national universities and research institutions in preparation for phase 2 work.
Joint research is planned with other CRPS including CCAFS and other CG Centres like ILRI, Bioversity and ICRISAT on projects related to food systems and policy processes needed to enhance the nutrition sensitivity of agriculture.

As part of phase II work A4NH will use its convening role to improve sharing of information on Agriculture to Nutrition linkages. Related capacity strengthening activities across stakeholders CRPs and CG centres will aim to enhance nutrition sensitivity of research and country programmes. Ethiopia is one of 5 focus countries in A4NH II.
CCAFS CCAFS partners at the local level include Managing Risk for Improved Livelihoods (MARIL) - a private research organization; the Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research (EIAR) through the local station in Borana area called Yabello Pastoral and Dryland Research Center, and the local pastoralist collective actions groups (CAGs) are also key partners.
At national level, CCAFS has been working with the Ministry of Agriculture, EIAR, EPA, Climate Change Forum of Ethiopia (CCF-E), NMA, and Addis Ababa University.
CCAFS plans to strengthen its national level engagement in Ethiopia, supporting policy processes, e.g. involvement in refining the INDCs into NDCs.

Continue to support the Ethiopian Agriculture negotiators through the Africa Group of Negotiators (AGN), working with ACPC and others.
Bioversity will bring regional partners.and will work on CSA with minister of agriculture
DCLAS The program, led by ICRISAT, will be implemented in joint partnership with Bioversity, CIAT, ICARDA, ICRAF, IITA, ILRI, and several strategic non-CGIAR partners, including the NARS in the target countries, sub-Regional Agricultural Organizations, EIAR in Ethiopia being the major partner. The two ICRISAT_led ongoing projects supported by BMGF namely Tropical Legumes III and Hope II, are major platforms that are bringing the national and regional research institutes together. There is also a national platform that has been bringing the various legume value chain actors together, led by EIAR.
Livestock The CRP Livestock team (ICARDA and ILRI) based in Ethiopia is represented in the CGIAR site integration committee led by ILRI. The Livestock CRP team participated in the national stakeholder consultation held on 11 Dec 2015 and ensured that stakeholders from the livestock sector were well represented; the team also participated in the follow-up meeting of the CRPs focal persons on 16 February 2016.
The Growth and Transformation Plan (GTP) II launched during the last quarter of 2015 provides a clear roadmap for agricultural and economic growth in Ethiopia to which CGIAR programs should align. Following the launch of GTP II there have been national consultation meetings organised by several of CGIAR partners working on the alignment to GTP II. A good example are the meetings organised by the Agricultural Transformation Agency (ATA) and the Rural Economic Development and Food Security Sector Working Group (RED&FS) to discuss different pillars under GTP II in which the CRP Livestock team members participated.
CRP Livestock maintains a collaborative network with EIAR, the regional ARIs and their research centers that are implementing the program activities as part of their research agenda. CRP livestock also collaborates with the leading Ethiopian agricultural universities.
The CRP Livestock team will participate in the writeshop for the site integration plan and continue to support the development of site coordination mechanisms between CRPs.
As the development of the livestock sector is a major component of GTP II, a close collaboration has been developed with ATA’s Livestock Director and with the Livestock Minister to support the alignment with the priorities set by the plan.
As the number of activities in Ethiopia will be expanded, close coordination with the Livestock Directors in EIAR and the regional centers will be even more important and strengthened.
WLE The different cluster projects are implemented through national partners and next users. The IES projects, for instance, have partners such as ARARI, Mekelle University and various line offices of the Ministry of Agriculture.

Most of the projects are being implemented jointly with Scientists from various CGIAR centers, National Agricultural Research and Extension Services (NARES), and Universities
Since the projects are in the pilot phase being implemented jointly with the next users, their success rate is high. Therefore the activities are likely to be scaled up/out in the future - an interesting component for site integration to build on.

Projects focusing on restoration of degraded watershed are set to continue fine tuning data and scaling best practices; and long-term monitoring to increase confidence among next users and policy makers justifying support for scaling
FTA ICRAF and CIFOR have presented their FTA work at the national site integration workshop held on 11 December
2015 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Both ICRAF and CIFOR have been implementing their projects in Ethiopia by fully engaging research and developments partners (both government and non-governmental organizations) at local and national levels. In addition to the existing partners which ICRAF and CIFOR have been working with, both centers also aligned their research projects and programme with national plans and priorities including relevant ministries, research institutes, Universities and othersinvolved in the implementation of Ethiopia’s Second (2015-2020) Growth and Transformation Plan (GTP-II) and Climate Resilient Green Economy Strategy (CRGE).
As part of FTA’s country integration strategy, FTA II will design and implement projects in Ethiopia together with national partners, CRPs (including CCAFS, WLE, A4NH and PIM) and CG Centers.
PIM Key contact with Ministry of Agriculture is the Ethiopian Country Strategy Support Program (ESSP) Key contact with the Ministry of Agriculture is the Ethiopian Country Strategy Support Program (ESSP). Various other centers will have their other key roles, e.g. ILRI with value chain partners, and other staff at IFPRI will liaise with ATA, the PSNP program, the AUC & the UN-ECA.
Genebank platform Dialogue with partners is informing ILRI on which species and types of forages are needed This dialogue can be expanded to other crops and also joint screening trials can be undertaken to identify more suitable and superior germplasm from a wide range of crops

3. Collectively meeting the goals and targets of the SRF related to the particular country including identification of key goals and targets of the SRF and the way in which these will be worked towards by collective CGIAR presence and identification of clear country outcomes

CRP Current situation Future situation
A4NH A4NH has been involved in work on Leveraging agriculture for nutrition and health in Ethiopia, behaviour change for improved nutrition and documenting stories of change in relation to nutrition action in the country. This work will contribute towards meeting some targets of the SRF because it will form the base for continued work in phase 2. The research that will be done in Phase 2 has been mapped to the SRF targets. The two flagships SPEAR and Food Systems for Healthier diets will work collaboratively with national institutions/stakeholders, other CG centres and CRPS (CCAFS, ILRI, Bioversity, CIFOR, ICRISAT) as detailed in the phase 2 proposal towards SRF targets.

Details will be developed with specific research project design during phase 2 but foundations for the collaborations have been established through common planning meetings for flagship programme development during the flagship proposal process under way.
DCLAS Given the recurrent drought in Ethiopia, drought resistant and climate changing adapting germplasm is becoming a major entry point to enhance the adaptive capacity of the Ethiopian farmers. Besides jointly developing various chick pea, sorghum, millets and groundnut varieties, DCLAS is also working with the national system to enhance the resource use efficiency of these dryland systems by enhancing nutrient and water use efficiency. Together with ICARDA, EIAR, the Regional Agricultural Research Institutes and other CGIAR partners, the various pre- DCLAS projects have been creating national capacity in improving income and food security of dryland farmers in Ethiopia
Livestock CRP Livestock has been working with a long-term perspective towards transformation of small ruminant meat value chains (SR VCT) in Ethiopia which addresses a number of SDGs through enhanced incomes and increased availability and safety of ASF, and more sustainable NRM.
At the same time all research activities were accompanied by capacity development activities (theoretical and practical) of collaborating research and extension agents to develop national capacity. This also included prioritizing researchers from the national programs for postgraduate training embedded in the research program.
CRP Livestock has developed a Theory of Change (ToC) with a related MEL framework for SR VCT focusing on expected changes in stakeholders. Targets for key performance indicators had been developed for an IFAD grant that support SR VCT in Ethiopia.
The research activities related to SR VCT will be continued in phase 2. However, as new research activities will be added from within CRP Livestock and from joint activities with other CRPs, goals and targets of the CRLP livestock in Ethiopia need to be revisited and to some extent coordinated with the other CRPS.
WLE The two flagship projects are already working towards delivering a regional outcome - they are sharing catchment sites, local partners and the biophysical and socio-economic data. They have held joint consultative meetings, especially to harmonize data collection and analysis tools The same approach could guide decisions on collective implementation under the site integration
FTA ICRAF and CIFOR have been working on projects that inform policy and practice to improving resilience of socio-ecological systems and increase productivity, income and nutritional security of people. This contributes to goals and targets of SRF. FTA’s contribution to the SRF will be to all three SLOs even though SLO 3 remains the main focus of FTA’s efforts. The distribution of effort
will be 29, 33 and 38 percent across SLO 1, 2 and 3 respectively.
PIM PIM mainly focuses on SLO targets on technology adoption, yield increase, poverty reduction and degraded land restoration. All of these will feature in Ethiopia and all 6 flagships of PIM will aim to work together and with other CRPs in Ethiopia.
Genebank platform Germplasm from the forage genebank and seed unit is being used to address feed shortages to support milk and meat production for nutritional security Germplasm from the forage and other genebanks can be used for natural resource management to address reducing environmental degradation and adaptating to climate change

4. Aligning research activities (also consider combined systems work; gender and inclusive growth)

CRP Current situation Future situation
A4NH Current work on the Transform Nutrition behaviour change for improved nutrition project focuses on maternal and infant and young child feeding practices and adopts a gender lens in the work being done. Transform Nutrition is a research consortium on which A4NH is a key partner The A4NH Gender, Equity and Empowerment unit will lead cross-cutting re-search on strategic issues relevant to the overall program, such as building on the use of the Women’s Empowerment in Agriculture Index (WEAI) in the context of impact evaluations.

There will also be special focus on youth such as the targeting of youth in SPEAR and in capacity development work. There will be strong equity components linked to PIM and IFPRI-ESSP activities.

In the convening role of A4NH this emphasis will also be given special attention to bring A4NH experience in this area to the other CRPS and CG centres.
CCAFS Research mainly focusing on:
i) Issues that emerged from the CCAFS household baseline survey in 2011, working in collaboration with MARIL and local partners in Borana. Research activities included
- Seasonal rangeland vegetation assessment
- Emerging livestock diseases and evolving herd management practices
- Rangeland rehabilitation through bush control, soil and water conservation, and enclosures for improved livestock nutrition
- Opportunities and challenges on indigenous weather forecasting

ii) Priorities emerging from the National conference on Climate Change Vulnerability and Risk Assessment of Agriculture and Food Security in Ethiopia. A synthesis of four case
studies on impacts, vulnerabilities and local adaptation practices in Ethiopia‘s agricultural sector, including policy and institutional responses already available.

A similar approach will be used in future, exploring more linkages with other CRPS, while also responding to emerging national priorities.
DCLAS The current situation is that the DC and DL have been concentrating on varietal development using various breeding methods, in close collaboration with the Ethiopian research system One of DCLAS’s primary objectives is to conduct integrated research on new and innovative ways to address the grand challenge of smallholder drylands agriculture, using cereal and legume technologies and the systems they are embedded in as an entry point. The foresight and priority setting work will enhance and accelerate the achievement of this objective by ensuring that such efforts are strategically focused on tackling the most acute issues and trends in targeted crops and dryland systems that align with DCLAS’s comparative advantage.
Livestock Joint tool development has been undertaken between CRP L&F, Humid Tropics and Dryland on VCA, FEAST and TechFit; gender research under L&F in Ethiopia has focused on integrating gender research with technical intervention testing and is being accompanied by assessing and strengthening gender research capacity of partner organizations; business model development in SR will include opportunities for women and youth. Gender research is streamlined across CRP by the Gender community of practice; thus transformative and integrated approaches are applied across CRPs and should also allow synthesis across CRPs; there is a considerable overlap in methodology development for system analysis at least between DCLAFS and CRP Livestock and at a more aggregated level with PIM, which could be co-developed when applied at joint research sites or at national level in Ethiopia; business model development is another joint R4D area.
WLE The WLE flagship projects have aligned their outputs with a common regional outcome. Their efforts are further being guided by questions that require joint input. With support of the coordination team, they have held joint consultations to harmonize data collection and outputs for the integration science The same approach could be maintained in the future
FTA Both ICRAF and CIFOR are engaged in projects that inform key stakeholders to improve productivity and sustainability of agro forestry and forest systems in Ethiopia. FTA activities will be aligned with the goals and priorities of Ethiopia as stipulated in the CRGE strategy documents and the targets set for agro forestry and forestry in the national GTPII.
PIM All 6 flagships of PIM are planning work in Ethiopia in Phase 2. We are already working closely with the government ministries and the ATA and are thus fairly well aligned with the Agricultural Growth Program of the country. The ESSP will help to forge closer linkages with other CRPs.
Genebank platform Activities on forages are closely aligned with activities on sustainable forage use in the livestock CRP Germplasm from all crops can be made available as part of developing sustainable cropping systems.

5. Producing joint research outputs and public goods including knowledge, technologies, tools, methods, evidence, processes and platforms.

CRP Current situation Future situation
A4NH In 2015, HarvestPlus expanded its activities on the breeding of biofortified crops to Ethiopia focusing on vitamin A maize to start with, including Ethiopia as one of the nine target countries. The research to be done by SPEAR and Food Systems for Healthier Diets will include development of training materials and tools for capacity development activities. These will be shared as public goods. Involvement of local training institutions and implementers will encourage uptake of research outputs.

A4NH research will engage with platforms like SUN and CAADP, ReSAKSS, ANLP, EVIDENT and ANH and through these platforms the research outputs from phase 1 and 2 will be leveraged and shared in addition to national platforms. Where possible A4NH will seek to involve other CRPs and CG centres in these aspects leveraging its convening role.

CCAFS coordinated CGIAR input on Climate change adaptation in agriculture: practices
and technologies, and Measures for climate change adaptation in
agriculture - for the SBSTA 44 Agriculture Workshops.
To be explored further, in addition to CANA platform.
DCLAS 2]focuses on the production and distribution of improved seed, the adoption of improved varieties and crop management practices for sorghum and millets in six DCL target countries, including Ethiopia. The DCLAS will include climate scenarios and strong gender perspectives in developing drought management strategies, including varieties, tools and adaptation mechanisms
Livestock Besides W1&W2 research activities; a number of bilateral/W3 projects are active in Ethiopia: LIVES, Chicken and Dairy Cattle Genetic Gains project and an IFAD grant on SR VC We are planning joint research outputs with DCLAFS on full purpose crops for dryland cereals and grain legumes; there may be opportunities for joint work on system analysis; clearly foresight analysis and market research in Ethiopia under CRP Livestock will be coordinated with PIM;
there are number of ASF safety issues to be followed up with A4HN if they are interested and plan to continue this research in Ethiopia;
WLE The two projects have no a prior plan to deliver joint knowledge products, but whatever product each of them will produce wherever necessary will need to acknowledge the joint effort. They have already shared socio-economic data generated based on shared tools The same approach could be maintained in the future
FTA In 2015 CIFOR produced regional scaling up strategy documents for five regional states in collaboration with Ministries, regional bureaus, research institutions and Universities. Likewise ICRAF along with national partners (Federal and regional research institutions, Universities, NGOs) has developed context specific technology options to improve productivity while adapting to the changing climate. FTA II will further build on these and strengthen collaborative works and joint publications/products.
PIM The two projects have no a prior plan to deliver joint knowledge products, but whatever product each of them will produce wherever necessary will need to acknowledge the joint effort. They have already shared socio-economic data generated based on shared tools We are planning joint products in the areas of seed & germplasm regulations, in value chain upgrading (including post harvest losses), on landscape governance and on gender. The details are yet to be worked out.
Genebank platform All centres with genebanks are working together on genebank efficiency, seed longevity and publications. Joint activities are on-going with CIAT on the Forage Selection Tool.

6. Making use of a common set of research sites (This will draw upon the synthesis mapping of CG research activities)

CRP Current situation Future situation
A4NH (Still need information on this and will provide when it becomes available) This is being considered for Phase two among the CRPs, CG centres, and external partners involved in A4NH Flagships.
CCAFS] for the site Atlas), with household baseline survey in 2011 and publicly available. The Borana site is an attractive
investment area where a diversity
of CRPs/Centres working on
rangelands can come together to
test their technologies and
approaches, with potential for
much integration with the Livestock
DCLAS ICRISAT, ICARDA are working with the EIAR and the regional research institutes in drought-prone regions of Ethiopia, mainly in Oromia and Amhara regions We expect these same sites would be relevant.
Livestock CRP L&F has been working on small ruminant value chains at seven sites covering the major regions in Ethiopia; the activities will be continued at most of these sites. As an example of joint research sites, A4HN studied food safety issues related to SR meat VCs at the same sites Given that L&F is already active in most regions and that new research activities on dairy cattle and chicken will be added under CRP Livestock, there is good potential for working with other CRPs in selected sites; e.g. our L&F sites include Yabelo in Borana (overlap with CCAFS).
WLE The two projects share two field sites in the Tigray region - The same approach could be maintained in the future
FTA Both CIFOR and ICRAF have been working in the four main regional states. Further collaborations and integration of activities will be worked out along the forest-farm continuum.
PIM Much of PIM’s work is national in scope. , but we shall need to work in specific sites for some of the research (e.g. on landscape governance). These are yet to be determined.
Genebank platform On station activities are in Shola, Debre Zeit, Zwai and Soddo and are not shared with others.

7. Sharing CGIAR facilities, infrastructure and equipment

CRP Current situation Future situation
A4NH ILRI host IFPRI/A4NH on the ILRI campus in Ethiopia. Not yet clear
CCAFS ILRI hosts CCAFS East Africa program and one Flagship (Policies and Institutions for Climate Resilient Food Systems) Current hosting arrangement will continue in Phase 2
DCLAFS We could share germplasm and research methods in dryland management We could share germplasm and research methods in dryland management
Livestock ILRI hosts all CGIAR center in Ethiopia, so Addis campus is already a cGIAR hub There may be potential for sharing ILRI’s biotech and animal nutrition lab facilities (that serve CRP Livestock) with crop CRPs (full purpose crops) and other genebanks operating in Ethiopia
WLE Currently each projects has a webpage in WLE This could be the ideal way to go.
FTA We have been sharing existing facilities and services. We could share experience and expertise across CG Centers.
PIM Established a value chain hub at the ILRI campus to be useful for all CRPs. We do not have any other substantial ‘facilities’. Value chain hub at the ILRI campus will continue in Phase 2. We will not have any other substantial ‘facilities’.
Genebank platform ILRI has a set of laboratories that support germination, plant disease diagnosis and DNA extraction that have been used by ICARDA and ICRISAT in 2015. These facilities are being expanded with BSL2 labs and greenhouse and are available for shared use use by other projects through lab use agreements and cost sharing.

8. Making effective and efficient use of CGIAR staff

CRP Current situation Future situation
A4NH A4NH with bioversity nutrition staff have worked together in the development of phase II flagship research proposals. A4NH’s strength on nutrition can be leveraged towards promoting the nutrition sensitivity of CGIAR work.
DCLAS With a national office in Ethiopia, ICRISAT has senior scientists in the area of breeding, systems agronomy, climate change modelling and system analysis , who are keen to collaborate with interested CG centres With a national office in Ethiopia, ICRISAT has senior scientists in the area of breeding, systems agronomy, climate change modelling and system analysis , who are keen to collaborate with interested CG centres
Livestock CRP L&F and CRP Humid Tropics have been sharing a gender scientist; CRP L&F and CR Dryland Systems shared a market economist and related research assistant; so far this has been organized within centers but joint appointments especially of site coordinators and research assistants Opportunities exist for joint appointment for cross-cutting research activities like foresight analysis;, systems modelling; gender research; market research; coordination of field work, etc as all scientists are located on the same campus
WLE IWMI staff took the lead to draft data collection tools, especially the gender component where Bioversity International (BI) had inadequate capacity in the Addis Ababa Office. The BI team improved the tools to meet their research problem and better contribute towards the regional outcome The same approach could be maintained in the future
FTA ICRAF and CIFOR have scientists working on agro forestry systems, germ plasm, tree products marketing, land health, forest and human wellbeing, forest economics, forest policy and institutions, environmental services and climate change. The CG centers can make use of available scientists working on these areas in designing and implementing collaborative projects.
PIM PIM will play a role in ‘streamlining policy engagement’ which is one of the objectives of site integration. In doing so, we would hope to achieve better coordination and collaboration in policy research across CRPs.
Genebank platform Staff of the ILRI forage diversity project have assisted with DNA extraction at cost in 2015. This can be continued in future if sufficient staff capacity is available under lab use agreements.

9. Achieving greater delivery and scaling of CGIAR research (considering key instruments of communication, capdev, etc)

CRP Current situation Future situation
A4NH A4NH has involved key national stakeholders in the preparation of phase II proposals to ensure alignment with national priorities. This positions research outputs for uptake. The current positioning and the involvement of national stakeholders not only in the planning but also in the execution of the envisaged research for phase II will position A4NH for uptake.

The Flagship SPEAR has a special focus on Capacity Development to use research outputs from phase I & II towards capacity development. Involvement will local training institutions will seek to influence curriculum content based on research outputs towards capacity development via that route.
DCLAS We have established national innovation platforms to facilitate adoption and promotion of legume innovations We will capitalise on the existing partnership and communication tools to reach wider communities and regions
Livestock There have been a number of knowledge sharing events coordinated by ILRI on behalf of all centers/ CRPs which have helped to communicate CGIAR research in an integrated manner to stakeholders; latest example ISPC; this has been mainly used to inform donors or CGIAR partners; joint training courses for NARS partners were organized for projects aligned under CRP L&F, CRP Humid Tropics and Drylands and A4HN in the past (given that ILRI was involved in all of them) Joint communication materials and knowledge sharing events involving relevant CRPs could be expanded to inform development stakeholders to increase opportunities for outscaling;
There is a good potential for across CRP training courses for NARS partners on such skills as statistical analysis; scientific writing; mobile technology, etc.
WLE Due to sharing of data/information, joint workshops and field sites, both projects have demonstrated cost cuts in field and workshop activities with the saved funds being used to increase dialogues with similar local partners /next users. This is bound to increase the contribution of the projects towards the intended change The same approach could be maintained in the future
FTA Both ICRAF and CIFOR have been working with national partners to build capacity and facilitate wider use and adoption of good practices. FTA II plans to further strengthen this collaboration.
PIM PIM has been collaborating with the Government of Ethiopia to assist them in having impact at scale. It is the intention of PIM that policy, institution and market research will better complement other CRP research in Phase 2, thus helping to achieve impacts of technology and other innovations at scale. We will continue to identify research topics with the Government of Ethiopia but will also engage more with other CRPs to understand key constraints to impact.
Genebank platform The genebanks are making seeds and information available to users and building capacity in genebank management. ILRI is producing forage fact sheets on key species for users. The platform has some knowledge management tools like the crop genebank knowledge base that could be more widely used for communication. Centres in Ethiopia could be active in multi-crop capacity development in germplasm management.

10. Streamlining policy engagement

CRP Current situation Future situation
A4NH In setting Phase II research agenda, A4NH has involved national stakeholders involved in providing evidence to government for policy development.

A4NH has been involved in nutrition policy related research in increasing the nutrition sensitivity of Agriculture in Ethiopia as part of the Leveraging Agriculture for Nutrition in East Africa.

The conceptual pathway between agriculture and nutrition developed in A4NH work in phase I is being used in the Nutrition Sensitive Agriculture Strategy-2015- recently developed by the Federal Ministry of Agriculture for considering possible linkages to increase the nutrition sensitivity of agriculture to contribute to the objectives of the national nutrition programme.
A4NH plans close interaction with government institutions involved in advising on policy matters on agriculture and nutrition and involving them in the research in phase II. This is expected to position the research outputs for policy influence.
DCLAS We are currently working in streamlining targeted input use into the national research system, with emphasis on fertilizer recommendations, together with the ILRI-led AfricaRISING project Same approaches
Livestock CRP Livestock will align its research activities with the Livestock Master Plan and its implementation through the GTP2; it will coordinate closely with ATA Livestock Directors and other relevant Directors (e.g. gender);
GTP2 with its coordinating body ATA provides a good framework for all CRPs to streamline policy engagement; CRP Livestock will coordinate its policy work with PIM
WLE Targeting the same national institutions and project sites has increased WLE presence and offered opportunity for the partners to reflect on the same problems from different perspectives. The same approach could be maintained in the future
FTA The research results on agro forestry and forestry in Ethiopia have been used to support the efforts of the Government to revise the national forest law and the GTP II of the Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Climate Change. FTAII envisages to systematically streamline research undertakings to better inform policy and practice in forestry and agroforestry in Ethiopia.
PIM PIM will play a role in ‘streamlining policy engagement’ which is one of the objectives of site integration. In doing so, we would hope to achieve better coordination and collaboration in policy research across CRPs. We will also be more proactive in sharing good methods in policy research.
Genebank platform The policy module of the platform could support capacity building in germplasm exchange policies, farmer rights and indigenous knowledge.

We will develop Site Integration Plans to bring together the work of CGIAR Centers and programs in key countries, where CGIAR innovations are expected to reach millions of people.To devise plans for assessing impact, the CRPs will consult with representatives of partners and beneficiary groups in key countries where they aim to deliver outcomes at scale, including governments, NGOs, farmer organizations, processors and others along the value chain, and, ultimately, consumers. The CRPs will also coordinate with each other to ensure that, in key geographies, their activities are aligned for maximum impact. The CRPs’ collective, coordinated commitments in these geographies will be summarized in site integration plans to enable transparent interaction with local stakeholders. The consultation process will be pursued through the GCARD.